An Introduction to Immortalist Morality
It is interesting to point out that the suggested foundation
for morality can be empirically falsified. Perhaps we cannot
prove that the quest for immortality should be the ultimate
value, but we could disprove it. If science ever determined
that it is impossible for life in the universe to last forever,
the quest for immortality is impossible and cannot be justi-
fied. So, does the scientific evidence rule out the idea that
life could, in principle, survive forever? Some have thought
so. One argument that life cannot survive forever comes from
a law of physics known as the second law of thermodynam-
ics. This says that the entropy of an isolated system (a system
which exchanges no matter or energy with its environment)
must always increase. Entropy is a measure of how disordered
the system is. For instance science writer Adrian Berry once
wrote: Preserving a living body forever would violate the
second law of thermodynamics. [8]
In fact the second law of thermodynamics does not imply
that a living thing has to decay. Living things are not isolated
systems. They constantly exchange matter and energy with
the environment. For instance the human body excretes waste
and takes in air, food and water. So long as a living thing con-
tinues to take in new energy, there is no reason why it has to
decay. The biosphere of planet Earth as a whole is exchanging
energy with the wider solar system. What about the universe
as a whole, however? The universe appears to be an isolated
system in which entropy has to increase. Will all sources
of useable energy one day run out? Will everything decay?
The great philosopher Bertrand Russell certainly thought so.
He wrote these depressing words:
That man is the product of causes that had no previ-
sion of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his
growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are
but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms;